2013 Neum Animated Film Festival
(Neum 29.06.2013. - 05.07.2013.)
Last nigh, NAFF was closed with the projection and announcement of t he winner films of this year's 8th animated film festival, NAFF2013. The jury members; Jasna Žalica, Krešimir Šego i Pencho Kunchev have come to a conclusion after a long debate and decided that this year the grad prix goes to the film Junkyard by Hisk Hulsing.
As far as dimesional aspects are concerned than the three-member jury has decided that the best 3D film award goes to film by Marien Janiec. The Game while the best 2D film in NAFF13 is Fallin Floyd by the author-tandem Albert Hoof and Paco Vink from Netherlands.
The world of animation will certainly stay in good hands. This is predetermined by two works shich share the award for the best student film. I am Tom Moody by Scotsman Handersen and Kufer by a slovakian animator Julija Kolenakova.
The award fo the best music this year went to the temperament Spanish for the film Miserere by Mario Serrano Hervas whereas the award for the best visual quality went to the french film Jansen by Aude Danset and Carlos De Carvalha.
In the category puppets and other techniques the award went to the american Joane Gratz for Lost&Found. And finally, and this may be the sweetest award, the award oft he audience went to Great Britain to Ben Smith for the film The good, bad and horse.
And for the end we have a few more notes to refer. One of these is that over 400 films from 42 countries have applied, among which the dominating ones were France, Spain and USA. NAFF confirmed once again what it really means to be connecting the world of animation. S obzirom na impresije nakon festivala, izgleda puno uspješnije nego političkom diplomacijom! Considering the impressions gained by our guests after the festival, it seems much more effective than throughout a political diplomacy.
By confirming all the required criteria of quality, this closed the last year's NAFF which is probably one oft he most interesting festival sin the region and in BiH. This was confirmed by the participants and the visitors of NAFF, number of whom we didn't lack.